Experts should return phone calls promptly

I was speaking with an attorney the other day who was trying to contact an Ophthalmology expert who is listed in our SEAK Expert Witness Directory (and who shall remain nameless).  The attorney had called and left a message for him and hadn't heard back from him in 24 hours. The attorney was going to call him one more time and if he did not answer, she was moving on, and was going to call the next Ophthalmology expert on her list.

The moral of this story, is that experts should be responsive when receiving calls from prospective clients. Return the call as soon as possible. If not, they will simply call someone else.  Consider listing your cell phone number, rather than your office number, in the marketing you do for your expert witness practice, such as expert witness directory listings.

Alex Babitsky, MBA
SEAK, Inc.
SEAK Directory of Expert Witnesses

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