Getting the most from your expert witness directory listings - part 1

Experts should take the time necessary to fully understand how each expert witness directory that they are listed in, is setup and how it works functionally.

A few

1. Make sure the specialty areas that you want to be found under, are included in sections that are actually searched/indexed. I see many experts that include specialty terms in sections that do not get searched.

2. Review your expert witness listings every 6-months or so, to make sure the information is current and accurate. Experts move, change phone numbers, email addresses, etc. and often do not update their directory listings, or the directory service may make a typo.

3. When appropriate, try avoid using exact numbers in your directory listings. For example, if a directory asks for number of years in practice, instead of using a number such as 21 Years in Practice, you may want to use a general: 20+ Years in Practice. This way you don't have to update it each year.

Stay tuned for more tips!

Alex Babitsky, MBA
Partner - SEAK, Inc.
SEAK Expert Witness Directory

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